10 March 2010

Native American Lit

My notes from meeting with Dr. Newton about the syllabus research:

Bibliography of Renaissance to Contemporary Native Literature, all genres. I'm planning to email Leah at UNM and Brianna at Tufts to see if they'll send me their phd reading lists in Native Lit. I think that would be the best place to start building.

Figure out what's in our library & make a list of stuff we need to buy

Bibliography of scholarship: what's in our library (studies on authors and theoretical texts)

What's in our references that works

Create a list of journals: SAIL, AIQ, Wicazo Sa, U of Nebraska has another...

Collect syllabi from the internet. I know I've already done this last summer.

Carol Goodson is my contact at the library who can help me. I've designated time for this work this weekend. Finally.

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