09 March 2010

ENGL 3400 March 8

I feel disoriented from traveling to the Native American Literature Symposium. I am behind in a lot of my work. However, I'm teaching class on Wednesday the 10th. I'm excited about that. I'm teaching the Appleman chapter on feminism and its connections with To Kill A Mockingbird. I have a notepad full of things from class that I need to get on here. I'm planning to connect the secondary reading to a particular textual moment in the same manner as Dr. Insenga. I've really gotten a lot out of having a professor model. I feel like I have learned more about teaching from this position. However, I think that I've gotten so much out of it because of my experience in a classroom alone. It's as though I know what to pay attention to because I remember those situations in my own class. Mostly, those situations have been odd circumstances with students: seeing how she talks with students who aren't doing their work, watching her interactions and how she allows students to maybe flounder in ideas a bit in order to allow them to get to the learning objective on their own. Also, she models a lot for her students. Basically, since the paper assignment she has been modeling approaches. I think this is more affective than discussing the paper itself constantly. It might be beneficial to mix that, though, with students' ideas about connections for the paper.

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